Saturday, December 1, 2007

Pro Skates Uptown is OPEN!

This Slayer poster has been around for a lonnnggg time. It's still got your name on it Gerry, it's safe.

We just started playing darts. Check the groupings, did I mention "just" started playing?

Our first customer, and we forgot to get his name. Thanks bud!

The view from behind the counter. Thats Quinpool road out that door, one minute from the skatepark. We're a 5 minute walk from where Pro Skates spent it's first 10 years... of course SHREDZ is back. 15 years ago this was the hottest shit coming out of Pro Skates, and you just had to have a piece of Shredz gear.

Our couch, some questionable "markings" came free.

Lurkers, Sean and Nate. They definitely approve, but with the glaze they seem to have on, I think they'd sit on anything.

Come by and visit, but bring your own darts. We're very...particular about dart germs. But not couch bacteria apparently.

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