Friday, September 28, 2007

Jason researches new role.

I was checking rat traps in the basement when I heard grunting in the back room. I did not expect to find resident film maker Jason Eisener in coitus with Sheila, our mannequin.

Here he is in mid thrust. It was at this point he noticed me. I froze too afraid to run, but kept shooting like a pro.

"Get that fucking camera out of my asshole!" he screamed. I was nowhere near his asshole so I don't know what his problem was.

It turns out he was just doing some 'research' for a new film. It's about filmmakers that have sex with body parts in filthy basements. But with a christmas message.


Sarah Dunsworth said...
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Sarah Dunsworth said...

how the heck can I send you a photo of what Jason's little fling looks like now? She's super hot, she has a head and everything. I suck at the internet.