Monday, July 30, 2007


The big team challenge went down on Saturday, and by all accounts, was awesome. The skaters were stoked (and tired as hell), the fans were stoked, and the promoters were stoked. Joel did a killer job pulling off this event, and all the top skaters were totally draped with new gear.
I think this was the top 5 teams.

Here's the Pro team, from left. Nate Oliver, Ian Paulson, Simon Richards, Ben Nichol, and Jermaine Arsenault. A couple of these dudes were subbing in for other members, but it looks like we may have to work on some contract negotiations. I think they were working on a gang sign, but it doesn't look like they came up with much.

Here's Joel letting his team know they were the FIRST LOSERS! Haha, just kidding guys, I know everyone killed it.

Brandon repping the winners. Anyone see those pics of Sheckler on the net?

WHOA, who's THAT? The infamous?! Could it be?! I'm pretty sure thats him! Smally Biggs and his MTL crew came through to judge the event.

For more pics check out Jermaine's facebook and Jeff DeLongs website, (

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

ryans tattoo is pretty lame lol
and whats with the emo pics