Monday, April 16, 2007

Paintball has taken over

We are so stoked on paintball right now. I know lots of people have been playing it for a long time and they live it like we used to live skateboarding, but paintball has taken over our lives in a matter of days. We can still grip you a board if you need one, but I don't know why you would, when paintball guns exist. We went into the woods yesterday, didn't get hassled by cops or security, didn't get hurt, didn't have our pride destroyed by some silly little flip trick we couldn't do, and it only cost us about $100 in paintballs. Plus the guns. And the mods. And the air. And the masks. And the clothes.

This guy is/was a Green Beret. He was a consultant on the Rambo movies and now he's training us. We're camped out at his fort in the woods right now.


buzzkill said...

Woah, I thought you guys were just kidding around until I got a look at Jon's scarf.
Pretty serious stuff.
And uh..isn't that 'expert' Zach's dad?
Hey, you pay for my ticket down there and I'll take you all on.
If I lose I pay for the ticket.

Blouin Built said...

I am gonna come home and shoot ya when I come,
oh im a comin home to shoot ya when I come,
Ill be shootin and a shootin,
and yall will be a scootin,
cause my flatline is gonna get you when I come.
( to the tune of comin round the mountain...)