Tuesday, March 20, 2007

St. Pattys day Fooz-a-thon

So Saturday here at the shop we got Irish, which apparently means drinking in the afternoon and playing fooseball. There were a few heated matches, and also heated stink dinks or "Safety meetings" if you know what I mean. Here is Jermaine and Craig going at it. Just for the record Jermaine was the only person to lose to Craig all evening.

Jon couldn't even watch Jermaine's pathetic attempt to Fooz. Myself and Greg played a handicapped match, since ya know, my arms broke to bejesus. Craig's also a fooz scout, he's pretty stoked on how I've been playing thus far, just negotiating my deals.

Intense. Greg did end up winning, but only by one goal..sudden death type shit, what a chump, one goal on a dude with a broken arm? pfff.
Jon manning the console.
Craig, Zach and our official ref, Pierluigi Collina.
Craig and Zach get er goin'.

Hyperactive sweat glands? Or high stakes fooz?
Zach's not sweating it, I don't recall the score but I do believe Craig left embarrassed. I'm sure he was also disappointed later that night when the Habs beat the Leafs in a shootout. Booo Yahh!!!!!!!!!

1 comment:

Blouin Built said...

I still beat ya'll. Ha.