Saturday, January 19, 2008

RedBull/Nixon/Element/Nacho/ProSkates Game of SKATE

Not sure it's annual, but the first RBNENPSGoS went down on Thursday night after we closed.
What you're looking at right there, is a fist fulla fives. Well, it's more of a fan, in two hands, but you get the idea. Red Bull put up 500 billos for the winners.

Simon was a contender, but in the end was edged out. Pop shuvits, yeah, ok, but the others wouldn't allow these dance moves.

This guy was sent from the head office of RBNENPSGoS to "get some sick shots for the promotions department". Such a kook.

Here's Nacho trying to figure out prizes. "Ummmm...."

And the winner is, Nate Dog. I think he won a Nixon watch, Element deck, and $250.

Thursday, January 17, 2008

UPTOWN darts invitational.

Can you feel the excitment? No. Well you will.

Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Robbie JUNIOR!!!

Big congratulations to Lori and Rob Bell on the birth of their cute little bundle of demon spawn, Isaac Michael Bell. Hopefully I spelled that right. With lots of different nicknames already, Izzy was born on Friday and all are well and should be home today or tomorrow. You should see the hair on this dude!

Monday, January 14, 2008

Greco faux fur!!!

You guys all slept on this coat, but this homeboy did not. Here's Jermaine and the proud new owner of a Krew Greco coat. Rockstar status in high school. This guy will have no problem losing his virginity now....just don't become a heroin addict.

Friday, January 11, 2008

Alphanumeric is back

Just got wind of the re-launch of Alphanumeric, by way of these dope new headphones.

They are actually really good sounding headphones. I think they'll be releasing a headphone with Audio Technica (maybe this is it?), and a box set of the mix tapes they used to do.
I'm rocking to my own mixtape right now. Thanks Raj!

Monday, January 7, 2008

Game O Skate

Here's a list of the people I'm inviting to MY game of skate, which is to be held on THURSDAY, JANUARY 17TH, 2008 at roughly 6pm!!!!! U DIG? There may be a couple spots that need to be filled if someone can't make stay tuned...also please don't take it personal if you didn't get invited but by all means take up beef with Greg for some reason or another.

Wednesday, January 2, 2008

New Winter Hours!!! Do you Diiiiiigggggg?

So here are our new hours for January:


So basically we just won't be here until 7 on Thursdays and Fridays anymore and no Sundays.

Tuesday, January 1, 2008

Young Double 2A's Babbbyyy

Whats crackin there be 2A's gettin down with A Frontside Pivot to Fakie on the ramp at Rob's crib....New Trick Yesss....And also a new track on his MYSPACE also go check it out, its techno rap yaa digg ahahah